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LaCarmina Carmina
Freelance travel journalist, TV host
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Member for 3 Years
Joined August 2021
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About me

I'm La Carmina - I've been blogging professionally since 2007 on my "La Carmina Blog." Based in Vancouver BC Canada, I specialize in reporting on alternative subcultures around the world, especially in Japan -- such as Goth, punk, and underground music / fashion / nightlife. I’m passionate about sharing stories about fringe creators, whether they’re extreme body modification and tattoo artists, experimental chefs, or edgy fashion designers. I’ve traveled to over 70 countries to date, and had the opportunity to speak worldwide at TEDx and tourism conferences. I’m also a freelance travel writer (for publications like Time Magazine, The Daily Beast, Fodor’s, CNN), and the author of 3 books (with Penguin Random House). I also work as a travel television presenter and production coordinator for networks worldwide such as NBC, Travel Channel, Food Network, ABC, National Geographic, TLC, Fuel TV, Discovery Science, NHK Japan, and German’s Pro Sieben. I co-created and host a "Satanic Show + Tell" interview program for The Satanic Temple TV. See more at and @lacarmina #lacarmina social media.

Where do you dream of traveling to?


Three words that describe why we should travel?

Perspective, Compassion, Non Serviam
