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Larissa Rolley
Travel Designer/Drone Pilot | Chicago & Tahiti, Live Love Travel World
Member for 9 Years
Joined February 2016
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About me

Connecting cultures & empowering creativity through travel. Open for collaborations.

Global Travel Ideas Consultant - Facilitating experiences from one culture to another through travel and art.

Photographer & Drone pilot. I use photography to put forth the unspoken story, captured by the lens.
Chicago, Tahiti, and the World!

Languages are also deep passion for me. French, Italian, Greek, Spanish, English and more when time

instagram @larissarolley

Why did you join the community?

To connect and collaborate with others in the travel industry, and other travelers.

What is your favorite travel destination?

too numerous to name just one: some of my favorites are Greece, Italy, Senegal, Tahiti

What do you want to learn more about?

more languages

Three words that describe why we should travel?

expansiveness, fun and beauty


  • I am partial to the islands of Tahiti as I spend part of the year there. Before spending a lot of time there over the past 10 years, I used to think that all the islands and the beaches would probably be the same, and would get maybe boring! Now, 10 y... show more

  • I seem to go down the rabbit hole of language learning because of traveling and have a collection of languages it is: French: I lived numerous times in France and Tahiti, one year in college I played on a female soccer team in France, later... show more

