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Laura Hamm
Co-Owner, Traverse Journeys
Member for 7 Years
Joined January 2018
Verified member
2 events
United States
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About me

A passionate international adventurer for three decades, Laura has traveled in over 50 countries, living abroad for most of her adult life throughout 7 different countries on 5 different continents.

Living around the world while working in the arts, education, hospitality & tourism and language provided context and depth to her international experiences. In addition, long-term independent travel and local engagement projects helped add to the breadth of her cultural understanding.

Laura's desire to help others travel led her to found her own travel company, which then became a part of Traverse Journeys. Her goal is to pave pathways for immersion in culture and nature while truly connecting the traveler and the destination to bring positive transformation on both sides.

Why did you join the community?

Connect with travelers and industry partners

What is your favorite travel destination?

Too many to list!

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Currently: Africa, Antartica, Iceland and Austrailia
