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Lauren Hefferon
CEO Founder Ciclismo Classico, Ciclismo Classico
🤘 Rockstar
Member for 7 Years
Joined March 2017
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About me

Lauren has been a devoted cyclist for over 40 years, long before it became popular, accessible or fashionable. Along the way, she decided that someway, somehow cycling would remain at the hub and would be the spark for a life of adventure.

After returning from six weeks in the Wind Rivers with National Outdoor Leadership School, she was sold on a serendipitous “roll” to integrate outdoor education and her degree in anthropology.

She founded Ciclismo Classico in 1988 as a blend of all her passions for cycling, creative arts, learning about other cultures and experiential education and still drives all visionary aspects of the company, from itinerary design and tour leader training to marketing and company strategy.

Lauren is considered a pioneer in adventure and educational travel and has been an advisor to the Adventure Travel World Summit, a panelist at the annual National Bike Summit Panel on Tourism, and founded the annual Ciclismo Classico Bike Travel Film Festival.

Under Hefferon’s leadership, Ciclismo Classico has blossomed into one of the top companies in the adventure travel industry

As a specialized boutique bicycle tour operator since 1988, her companies provide the most authentic, unique and exciting vacations in the adventure travel industry. Her award-winning educational trips in Europe, South America, New Zealand, Asia and New England are active immersions into local art, language, music, folklore and delicious cuisine.

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Italy & New England