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Lauren Wood
Owner, Travel is the Cure, Travel is the Cure, LLC
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Member for 4 Years
Joined August 2020
Verified member
Southern California
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About me

Hi, I’m Lauren! I’m the California-based blogger behind Travel is the Cure. I’m a full time trial lawyer, but thankfully travel often for both work and pleasure. My true passion is travel—I love to wander, taste new food and embrace new experiences. I’m constantly behind the lens looking for the best shot, and write about my experiences, highlighting my favorite destinations and giving advice for where to stay, where to eat and what to do in each of my favorite places. I create and edit my own content, using everything from drones to GoPros to traditional DSLR cameras and even my iPhone at times. I create visually appealing web pages, videos and blog posts that are also useful for travelers wanting more information about their upcoming destination. I also host group trips for female professionals, where like-minded women can get together and bond in incredible, exotic destinations across the globe.

Why did you join the community?

I would love to connect with like-minded bloggers, travel lovers and content creators.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Tough question! Hard to pick a favorite so I'll share my top 3: Maldives, Hong Kong, Bali

Where do you dream of traveling to?

