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Lauren van Noort
Manager, Animal Ocean
Member for 6 Years
Joined November 2018
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About me

Avid ocean lover, explorer and general adventure seeker - I enjoy novel experiences and sharing the outdoors with fellow enthusiasts!

I manage a tourism company called Animal Ocean which is based in Hout Bay, Cape Town - we offer Seal Snorkeling trips to the local Cape Fur seal colony at Duiker Island; a short boat ride from the Hout Bay Harbour!

Why did you join the community?

I am relatively new to the tourism industry and am keen to expand my network and connect with others who are keen to showcase our beautiful city!

What is your favorite travel destination?

So far, Turkey and Mozambique - the warmth always entices me!

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Indonesia/Madagascar/Peru/Sao Tome/Sri Lanka/Kenya...where else?

What was your first travel job?

Marine Guide at the current company I work for - I am a bit of a newbie to the travel sector!

What do you want to learn more about?

Marketing the lesser known areas of Cape Town as tourism destinations.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Sharing the love <3

