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Louise de Waal
Sustainable Tourism consultant, Green Girls in Africa
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Member for 10 Years
Joined January 2015
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About me

Born & bred in Holland, lived and worked for 18 or so years in England, and now I am living my dream in Cape Town – probably the most beautiful spot in the world. I hold a PhD in Environmental Management, but I found my true passion in sustainable tourism. As an avid traveller, I founded Baobab Travel in 2002, a pioneer in designing tailor-made and responsible holidays to Africa. Baobab Travel was also one of the first operators certified by Fair Trade in Tourism. I now apply my sustainability expertise to help other tourism businesses to travel the road to sustainability through the Green Girls in Africa.

I travel extensively throughout eastern and southern Africa, discovering unique, off-the-beaten track, and meaningful tourism products. I take great pleasure in sharing some of those amazing experiences with you through my blog and other social media platforms.

Life philosophy: Step out of your comfort zone and discover the magic!

What is your favorite travel destination?

Chole Island - Tanzania

Where do you dream of traveling to?

DRC to experience the gorillas

What was your first travel job?

Running my own Fair Trade in Tourism certified tour operating business

What do you want to learn more about?

Traditional cultures

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Experience - Learn - Inspire
