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Louise Watts
Founder and CEO, HPC Global Pty Ltd
Member for 7 Years
Joined April 2017
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About me

I lead an amazing team of executive coaches who bring their expertise and generosity to individuals, teams and organisations all over the world. We started something special back in 2005 when we first worked with Citi Asia, training 750 staff across 17 countries by enabling in house champions to pass on our programs. Since then we've travelled all over the world working for amazing organisations who want their people to feel great about themselves and their contribution. This is personal development making a professional impact!
For our 2nd decade, we are focusing on encouraging people travel to Australia and develop themselves with us as their guiding coaches. Iconic locations, personal and professional development journeys... who wouldn't enjoy that!
Our other key focus is creating transition hubs, for people moving away from the conventional world of work to the future of work. We believe people need a positive path to find their next and to explore their potential. This is a global focus for us as there is a global need for safe passage from old ways to new.

Why did you join the community?

We have a great set of offers for the Chinese independent traveler and MICE market in Australia

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Travelling for a living, delivering our professional development programs and coaching

What do you want to learn more about?

Connecting with new markets

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Open our minds
