Putting Cape Town's most unique experiences on the map globally and around the corner to over 10 million readers per year with CapeTownMagazine.com, KaapstadMagazine.nl and KapstadtMagazin.de online magazine alone.
Add to that 1 million impressions per week on Instagram and the reach of all other social channels.
We're on a mission to unlock the city, support and grow jobs whilst bringing out the most unique and smallest and unclicking the clique-iness.
Personal Quote: Share knowledge. Stimulate ideas. Dare to be an individual. Never fear to be different.
Personal Mission: Have the best possible times with the best possible people creating the best possible now and future.
bulding houses in 42 degrees in Australia's hottest north west.
opens the mind
Nice to see the chapter is going strong and there's a Travel Massive Cape Town event coming this December! excited! Looking forward for all details to go live soon! (Am I spilling the beans here? 😅)
Cape Town Travel Massive 4 months ago
and lovely to see Mareletta in the video
The happiest town in South Africa 2 years ago
nice note on the different pronounciations.
The happiest town in South Africa 2 years ago
nice to see! We hosted an event pre-covid) as CapeTownMagazine.com, at 'the village idiot'. Long time ago. Good to see it's still going strong.
Cape Town Travel Massive 2 years ago