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Marie Duong
Technical Advisor ChildSafe, Friends International
Member for 9 Years
Joined October 2015
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2 events
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About me

Hello, I am Marie from the ChildSafe movement in Thailand.
ChildSafe is a global movement powered by Friends International protecting children and youth around the world.
In our rapidly changing world, communities and individuals often do not know how to react to different situations of child abuse. ChildSafe exists to help everyone protect children. We give everyone a way to be involved. We develop tips and campaigns, we train people, we certify businesses.
The Travel Industry has its own role to play so together, let' s protect children !

Why did you join the community?

Friends International is involved in child protection in the tourism industry(responsible travel) through its ChildSafe movement.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Asia and Africa

What do you want to learn more about?

Responsible Travel

