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Mar Ward
Content Creator | Social Media Influencer, To & Fro
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Member for 6 Years
Joined January 2019
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About me

Big city mama, meant for the simple life surrounded by Mother Nature. Sharing everyday adventure raising two little girls in the big city, while maintaining our need for the outdoors.

Mar Ward is a family lifestyle/outdoors digital content creator and environment educator, having worked a decade plus in informal environmental education at various attractions, such as provincial parks, zoos and aquariums in both Ontario and Alaska. She brings this experience to her social media channels in the hopes to build the connection between her readers and the outdoors so that they feel inspired to help protect Mother Nature.

Past related partnerships include: Niagara Parks, Ontario's Southwest, Ontario's Blue Coast, Visit Buffalo Niagara, Ripley's Aquarium of Canada, Alaska Zoo, Visit Seward and more!


Why did you join the community?

I have begun to incorporate more family-friendly travel content onto my blog and would like to meet like-minded people in Toronto that share a passion for the outdoors and family travel.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Ontario Parks - Natural Heritage Educator

What do you want to learn more about?

Working with tourism boards; family-friendly tourism destinations

Three words that describe why we should travel?

growth, joy, memories