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Mary Herbert Love
Founder, Imagyn, Inc
Member for 5 Years
Joined October 2019
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About me

I'm a founding partner of Imagyn, Inc., a company that provides content—both words and images—to magazines, businesses and individuals around the world. For 25 years, my husband, Charles, and I have contributed feature stories and photographs to national and regional publications (the "Chicago Tribune," the "Los Angeles Times," “The New Yorker” and "Boca Raton" magazines, to name a few).

Writing and photography are part of our DNA but so are editing and filmmaking. For 12 years I was editor in chief of “Charleston Style & Design,” a nationally distributed print magazine. There, in addition to planning content, I wrote travel features, celebrity profiles, essays and book reviews. Our travel films have been awarded and screened at festivals around the world. And our civil rights documentary, "The Dream Revisited," has resonated with audiences at Martin Luther King Jr. Day events in several East Coast cities.

We also write "The Alley Cat," a travel and culture blog geared to readers who want to learn about and explore the world. In addition to news on destinations and hotels, our blog discusses a range of topics, including authors, artists and cultural events.

I'm a member of the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) and the Society of American Travel Writers (SATW).

Why did you join the community?

I'd like to meet other travel professionals

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

Everywhere (including Wales and Greenland)

What was your first travel job?

Freelance writer/photographer

What do you want to learn more about?


Three words that describe why we should travel?

learn, leap, love

