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Masashi Takahashi
CEO, Voyagin
🤘 Rockstar 🔥 Top 8%
Member for 6 Years
Joined June 2018
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About me

Masashi is the CEO of Voyagin, the fastest growing platform to book tickets to attractions, sightseeing tours and the best things to do in Asia. More recently, Voyagin has launched a platform for guests to reserve tables at 150+ Michelin-star restaurants in Japan and an English booking engine for shinkansen (bullet train) tickets with Japan Railways. In 2015, Japan’s largest e-commerce site, Rakuten acquired majority stake in Voyagin.

Prior to start up Voyagin, Masashi was a founding member of, a startup for private lesson marketplace in Japan, which was acquired by Cookpad in 2013. While he worked at, he started airbnb in Tokyo and eventually became the top Airbnb host in the city, hosting several hundred guests in his living room over the course of 3-4 years. Based on his own travel and hosting experiences, he decided to create a travel marketplace for visitors to Japan called FindJPN in January 2011. This eventually evolved into Voyagin in Dec 2012.

