Beth Santos is founder and CEO of Wanderful, a global community and lifestyle brand that specializes in helping all women travel the world. Wanderful reaches a diverse audience of over 100M each year through chapter events in 50 cities, an international homesharing network, global summits and small group trips, a thriving membership community, and dynamic online content and forums. She is the creator and host of the Women in Travel Summit, a leading event for women travel creators and industry, happening on two continents each year, and the annual Bessie Awards to honor women of impact in travel.. She is a graduate of the Kellogg School of Management and Wellesley College, and is an acclaimed thought leader in entrepreneurship and travel.
Because I love the Travel Massive community!
I couldn't possibly pick! Tuscany, Sao Tome, Haiti, Istanbul, Portugal, any place I haven't been yet.
I've always wanted to go to Nepal.
I started blogging in 2009. Back then, I think only my mom read my stuff. But years later, it's where I still am today (granted, in a very different capacity!).
I'd love to pick up more languages. I adore languages.
Growth, learning, connectedness