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Melissa D'Mello
Digital Craftory
🔥 Top 31%
Member for 4 Years
Joined November 2020
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1 event
The Woodlands
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About me

Hi fellow travelers! My name is Melissa D'Mello and I love to travel. I was born on the little middle eastern island of Bahrain and lived there for 18 years. My parents are from India and moved there for a few years. I eventually made my way to the US for colleges and have lived here for the last 16 years. The Woodlands in the north of Houston is where I live. My goal is to one day visit all the countries in the world. I certainly haven't been everywhere but it is on my list.

Why did you join the community?

I want to joint to connect with people who love to travel and share my experiences as well as learn from them.

What is your favorite travel destination?

New Zealand, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Tanzania, Denmark, Iceland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Chile, Brazil, Vietnam, Laos, Russia.
