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Melissa Lee
Founder, CEO, The GREEN Program
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Joined October 2023
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United States
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About me

Melissa Lee (@me1issalee) is the Founder and CEO of The GREEN Program (@greenprogram), an award-winning global experiential education program for future sustainability leaders. For her innovative work in sustainability education and travel, Melissa has been recognized by the National Association of Women Business Owners as the Environmental Advocate of the Year, Forbes 30 Under 30 in Education, The North Face, and served as a Global Schools Ambassador at the United Nations. Melissa has had the honor of being named the Lattman Visiting Scholar of Science and Society at Penn State, and a Heinz Distinguished Lecturer at the University of Pittsburgh for her role in incorporating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into global education and workforce development. She currently serves as a board member for UnTours, the first B-Corp in the world, and non-profits in the social impact, tourism, and sustainability sectors.
