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Melissa Shearer
Photographer, Melissa Shearer Photography
Member for 10 Years
Joined December 2014
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About me

A natural-born storyteller, I've had a passion for connecting with others by sharing personal lived experiences through words and photos since I was a child. In 2010 I dove headfirst into the wonderful world of travel blogging and had the absolute pleasure of getting to travel the world for the better part of 4 years, sometimes for fun, sometimes in a professional capacity -working alongside brands, and most of all sharing all of my experiences to an engaged audience on my now retired travel blog.

The Greater Toronto Area has always been my home base, so upon returning home, I began attending Toronto Travel Massive meetups, and from 2014-2020 became part of the leadership team for Toronto Travel Massive - assisting with coordinating and hosting our wildly successful monthly events, as well as providing photography.

In 2016 I started my photography company - Melissa Shearer Photography - where I now specialize primarily in family and birth photography in the Burlington/ Hamilton area. While not in my regular offerings I am always excited to work with Influencers for branding and campaign photography as well as Tourism Boards & DMOs to provide superior quality photography.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Sydney, Australia; New Zealand; & anywhere in Southern & Eastern Africa

Where do you dream of traveling to?

The Galapagos Islands, Southeast Asia (food!!!), Peru, Patagonia, and always back to my home in my heart - New Zealand... so many places, not enough money!

What was your first travel job?

Freelance Travel Writing

What do you want to learn more about?

The opportunity to work with influencers, travel boards and brands to provide superior photography for marketing campaigns.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Adventure, education and self-exploration