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Michael Schibel
Founder, Travel With Meaning
🔥 Top 21%
Member for 8 Years
Joined October 2016
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9 events
Venice California
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About me

Hi There!

I'm born and raised in LA. I'm a city kid at heart who loves being in nature, playing in the ocean and driving down open roads. I love my home town and all things LA, but always knew I wanted to see the world. The more I travel the more I appreciate my city.

After a career in the Entertainment Industry working to elevate talent as an agent/manager I bought a one way ticket to Australia. My journey introduced me to incredible people, share amazing conversation and experience life changing moments.

My passion to travel and inspire others to have extraordinary life experiences lead me to launch Travel With Meaning as a way to connect like minded travelers present to the awesomeness of their journey by using #Travelwithmeaning when something moves, touches, inspires and makes you smile when you travel. Developing authentic adventure content and story telling opportunites with brands and influnecrs to share with the world to offer a pure essence of travel.

My future travelers include surf trip to El Salvador, Iceland, South Africa, China, Greece and Peru....and back to Bali, because that's always a good idea! I'm always looking to connect with travelers and brands and hope to hear from you. For more information on me, please visit

See you on the open road!

Why did you join the community?

Hello! I'm a passionate traveler who loves meeting like minded people. I started a platform just over a year ago called Travel With Meaning.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Bali / New Zealand

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Peru, Iceland, Greece and South Africa

What was your first travel job?

Workinh for a company called Student Tours as a guide / host in Mazatlan

What do you want to learn more about?

I'm fascinated with learning about new cultures and would love to learn more about Scandinavian and Inca history. As they play such important roles in the creation of modern world.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

People. Experiences. Culture.