manileño. millenial. ‘mericuh.
The slow travel movement is growing every year. We'd love to hear about your slowest travel journey and travel tips you've discovered during your travels. 👉 Share your slow travel journeys and tips. How long was your slowest journey? How many days did you stay in a destination? What tips do you have for traveling slower? What challenges did you overcome?
We're polling the Travel Massive community for your predictions for travel in 2023. 🏆 The top 3 most upvoted answers will get a postcard from Tasmania! 😀 👉 Here's a few examples of predictions you could answer: What new styles of travel will be popular? What emerging technologies will make travel better? How will travel story telling change? How will destinations change? ✅ RULES: Be creative, positive, and hopeful — we're shaping the future!
As we wrap up our travels for 2022, what new destinations did you visit and how did you travel there? Bonus points for new skills or experiences! 🌍 Home base 🛩 How many flights? 🚞 How many trains? 📍What destinations did you visit? 🏂 New skills / experiences you learned