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Miguel baixauli
Journalist/Designer, Freelance
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Member for 1 Year
Joined March 2024
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About me

On April 14, 2010 the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull caused chaos in the airspace of half of Europe and affected flights around the world.

On the 20th of the same month a journalist wrote the following: Some 80 Spaniards remain trapped in Beijing because of the volcano.

Guess who was one of them. 😁

After more than 10 years linked to the textile sector, now I feel like doing other things. Write me if you have any interesting project in which you think we can fit.

Designer, Journalist and Teacher. Amateur photographer and traveler whenever the occasion arises.

I write stuff here:

Always open to connect and establish new connections! Do not hesitate on approaching just for fun / work / travel ideas / etc..

Why did you join the community?

I love travelling I can't imagine my life without it

