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Natalie Vereen-Davis
Joined 5 months ago
Member since October 2024
South Carolina
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About me

Former English professor turned travel-obsessed homeschooling mama and blogger. Currently working towards visiting all of the US national parks with my kids. Always planning my next trip, usually with a Diet Coke in hand.

Why did you join the community?

In my career as an English professor, it was invaluable to be able to walk down the hall to a colleague's office and ask for opinions about my notes for an upcoming lecture or to get a new perspective on a struggling student. Now that I am a travel blogger, I work alone and have few opportunities in my day-to-day life to discuss the ups and downs of blogging with others. I joined Travel Massive to find that group in the digital space!

What is your favorite travel destination?

I have been obsessed with the British Isles since I took British Literature in the 11th grade; my first trip to England and Wales a year later turned me into a lifelong Anglophile. I went on to obtain both of my degrees in English literature, and I specialized in British literature specifically in my graduate degree. I've been to the UK and Ireland half a dozen times, and it's never enough!

Where do you dream of traveling to?

I've always wanted to walk the Camino de Santigo with my kids. We've really gotten into outdoor adventures now that both are big enough to carry their own packs, and I'd love to tap into the history of a trail like the Camino. I'd also love to do a year long road trip around the US and Canada with them, so we can complete our goal of visiting all 63 national parks! (We're up to 28 so far!)

What was your first travel job?

Back in 2012, I was on maternity leave from teaching and I came across a travel blog for the first time. I was instantly hooked and spent the rest of my leave setting up and writing the first few posts of my own travel blog. So, I gave myself my own travel job as I ended up taking a break from teaching to focus on blogging full-time while my kids were young, thanks to that first chance encounter on the internet.

What do you want to learn more about?

I've had 2 travel blogs, one that I began in 2012 and the other that I started in 2022. I went back to teaching for several years in between, and I've been shocked at how much has changed in the blogging world since my first blog was created. I am working towards keeping up with the ever-shifting algorithms, expanding my brand on social media, and learning not to be so depending on Google.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Lifelong learning opportunities.
