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Nathan Cripps
Luxury Travel Designer, Your Travel Designer
Member for 3 Years
Joined November 2021
Gig Harbor, WA
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About me

To say it simply, I am passionate about travel. I have always been a very curious person and growing up in an airline family allowed me the opportunity to start traveling early in life.

I believe that travel is far more than an opportunity to relax and recharge. It is the opportunity to experience cultures, beliefs, customs, and ideas that are different from our own. It provides an opportunity for understanding, learning, adventure and inspiration.

I pride myself on creating trips that are truly personal to each client, on each departure. My #1 goal is to maximize my client’s only non-renewable resource, their time. So whether it is a quick weekend away with the kids, a romantic beach getaway, or a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, it’s worth the extra effort to do it right.
