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Neelkanth Pararath
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Member for 4 Years
Joined April 2020
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About me

A techno entrepreneur, Neelkanth Pararath is the managing director and
Chief Technology Officer of CRS Technologies India Pvt Ltd. Using
technology, making businesses easily manageable and accessible for the
travel and hospitality sector is his objective.
He and his team build cutting edge technology solutions with simple
interfaces for the hospitality and travel industry.
In the hospitality industry, their focus is to maximize the reachability of
the hotel inventory to sell it to online and offline modes of communication
to B2B and B2C channels to maximize net revenue and profitability of the
property. The solutions focus on leveraging an online presence in social
media, mobile apps, small inventory systems, GDS, OTA s, electronic
distribution systems for homestays to five-star hotels in the hospitality
In travel trade, the objective is to maximize revenue by improving the
supply chain, lowering operational costs, improving performance in revert
time to customer queries and handling of it, improving the efficiency of
operations team by automation processes in the back office, optimize
their performance online and offline and increasing their markets.
To be frank, the disruptive solutions in the holiday business that he has
developed have got global attention and Hackathon awards from the
world's leading firms in the Travel industry. The disruptive solutions bring
about a change in the way traditional travel companies work making them
more efficient thus empowering them for the new technology.
Neelkanth has a research background in Artificial Intelligence
along with a certificate program in revenue management from the
prestigious Cornell University.
A true professional, his core competence is in the area of artificial
intelligence whereby he has developed budgeting systems that provide
accurate forecasting and real-time updates. He believes that analytics
based on AI is the future and has been already taken off into this
industry. Any of these analyses are based on data that has to be sensed
in real-time and we build systems for the capturing of the data that is
available for all of the analytics. This helps in clear prediction of the
trends and further analysis. At WebCRS, We have created web-based
applications, mobile apps and the like for data capturing like revisits,
clicks, feedback, no of calls, etc. This leads to the beginning of our
analytical platform driven by AI.
The products and services we build are towards assisting these industries
with robust solutions powered with an AI-based analytics platform which
helps in not only deciding but also in implementing and operating
sustainable businesses in the travel and hospitality sectors.
He has been a speaker in ITB Asia,ITB India and various speaking
sessions by different Tourism institutes in India

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AI and Big Data
