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Nicola Hannelore Haueis
founder, Sanara Heil- und Kreativraum
Member for 3 Years
Joined July 2021
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About me

I live on the country side in Austria - Styria with my youngest daughter of four children - born in the mountains of Tirol.
For me, traveling was always to connect my soul with the places and the beings wherever I go with a lot of respect and awareness.
Half part of my money I earn working with soil with a mushroom farmer and the other part I work for the moment with "sisters creation" (a community of three women who support other women to find back to there inner essence - doing circles, healing work in different ways).
My personality includes protection and building bridges for and between human beings on the base of unity between earth and the big cosmo.

The project: Traveling the "circle way" is a big heart-project of me to unite freedom work between different countries and individual inner work based on the "circle way" camps of Manitonquat und Ellika who did this wonderful work for a lot of centuries to build up communities for a better world for our children and all other beings.

Why did you join the community?

I want to join because I want to find people who maybe want to co-create with my project, to exchange experiences of similar ways of traveling.

What is your favorite travel destination?

mountains, wild nature, ocean, small villages

Where do you dream of traveling to?


What do you want to learn more about?

to find the way of soft traveling and consciousness work

Three words that describe why we should travel?

to get a wider inner horizon, to respect other ways of living and being, to connect from heart to heart without borderlines
