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Nicolas Besse
Director Hotel Chain and Partner, Hrs
Member for 7 Years
Joined February 2018
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About me

Senior Executive in the Hospitality Industry.

Nearly two decades of international leadership and innovation in the hospitality and tourism industries, covered by Commercial, General Management, Operations experiences and Asset Management.

Senior executive position among hotel operation, hospitality technology companies and online travel agencies.

Strong leadership and senior executive experiences with medium to large hospitality companies. Excellent communication skills and effectively interact with multiple departments and across various management levels of an organization. Strong analytical and strategic skills.

Key specialist of the eCommerce Digital and electronic distribution ecosystem, especially broadened to the automated field, which is now critical in the tourism today's environment.

Deep knowledge of the actors and issues of the international hotels and tourism sector, with in depth expertise in General Management, Operation, Distribution, Sales, E-commerce, Marketing and New Technologies for the tourism industry.

International experience in Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, Middle East.

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