👋 We’re looking for chapter leaders in Paris

If you’d like to join this chapter and help arrange in-person meetups to connect travel professionals and content creators (e.g. casual drinks, sightseeing, etc), see our event guide and let us know why you’d make a great leader for this group.

Community Note

Paris Travel Massive A travel community in Paris

12 Comments Badges

Paris boasts some of world's best tourist attractions, a flurry of creative startups, big travel brands, bloggers in every language, and a continuous flow of travel industry folks. Innovation, startup pitches, demos and tech.

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3 Reviews 5/5


Founder of a travel agency, Dunia Travel

Hi Travel Massive Paris. I just wanted to announce I recently launched Dunia Travel, an online travel agency selling tailor-made trips to Africa. Five countries are covered for now (Morocco, Senegal, Namibia, South Africa and Tanzania). But we'll add more destinations over the next few weeks. The website is in French but we'll translate it in English soon. Stay tuned www.dunia-travel.com

Bonjour à tous. Je voulais simplement vous annoncer que j'ai récemment lancé Dunia Travel, une agence de voyage en ligne qui vend des voyages sur mesure en Afrique. Nous proposons cinq pays pour l'instant (Maroc, Sénégal, Namibie, Afrique du Sud et Tanzanie). Mais nous allons ajouter de plus en plus de destinations les prochaines semaines/ Gardez un oeil ouvert sur le site internet. www.dunia-travel.com

Announced 2 years ago
Biz Dev & Comms France, Civitatis

HI Travel Massive Paris Team, I just joned the community which I knew attending an event during the last edition of ITB Berlin. I recently joined a great company called Civitatis. Happy to connect!

Announced 9 months ago
Founder, CEO, Helipass.com

Hello, welcome Georges. We are Helipass and we work with Civitatis. Talk to you soon

3 months later
Biz Dev & Comms France, Civitatis

Hi Frederic, perfect, let's meet probably at IFTM

3 minutes later
Biz Dev & Comms France, Civitatis

Hello Travel Massive Team and community, looks like the French chapter is quite poor in interaction, I'm trying to reach people in Australia Ian & Maria are busy, no sounds, no signals, well if someone can let me know who I can contact at Travel Massive? Many thanks!

8 months ago
Affiliate Account Manager


Concernant l'IFTM Paris 2024:

Notre équipe de Civitatis (distributeurs en ligne d'activités, tours et excursions dans le monde entier) vous invite à venir nous voir au salon.

Nous seront présents au Stand L086 pour discuter avec vous et répondre à toutes vos questions.

Et pour prolonger ce moment, nous vous invitons à un Afterwork Privé (places limitées), organisé avec HeyMondo le Mercredi 18 Septembre.

Une excellente occasion pour nouer de précieux contacts, et pour rendre cette expérience encore plus inoubliable… Un séjour à gagner pour deux personnes dans une merveilleuse île☀️!

Je vous laisse le lien d'inscription ici: form.typeform.com/to/F5aN36Gj

Pour confirmer votre présence à l’IFTM merci de réponde à ce message.
Nous avons hâte de vous rencontrer


Announced 6 months ago
Founder, CEO, Helipass.com

Hello Alejandra, thanks. See you soon. Cheers. Frederic

1 day later
Cluster Corporate Sales Manager, AX Hotels

Hi Alejandra, pleasure to e-meet you and looking forward to meet you in person at IFTM!

1 day later


About this Community
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Paris Travel Massive

3 reviews

Paris Travel Massive is led by Roobens Fils and posted in Community , Travel Massive , Meetup Group , Paris , France . Updated on Sep 7, 2023 (1 year ago). Paris Travel Massive is rated 5/5 ★ by 3 members.
436 Members