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Sherry Ott
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Member for 9 Years
Joined November 2015
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18 events
Denver Colorado
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About me

Sherry Ott is a long term traveler, blogger, and photographer. She writes about her around the world adventures on, Yahoo Travel, Huffington Post, Viator Travel, Savvy Auntie,, Intrepid Travel, and more. She’s circled the globe numerous times and has visited all 7 continents. She lived in Vietnam, hiked the Annapurna Circuit with her father, finished the Mongol Rally, walked the Camino de Santiago, kayaked in Antarctica, and drove an auto rickshaw across India. She continues to seek out adventurous unique opportunities to inspire people to overcome their fears and reap the benefits of travel. She’s also a co-founder of Meet, Plan, Go!, a website and national travel event teaching you how you can take your very own traveling career break or sabbatical.

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Escape Routine