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Paul Baron
Member for 10 Years
Joined February 2015
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About me

Adviser Consultant and Strategist

Former Head of Digital at Tourism Victoria. I was a member of the international Board of IFITT (International Federation of IT travel & Tourism) from 2005-2018.

These days I am working with a range of startups in the travel and digital technology space and looking to expand that cohort. I am also a member of the Melbourne Angels investor group.

I am available for part-time, ongoing strategic roles within organisations as a Chief Digital Officer, CIO or a Digital Adviser to help set and maintain strategic direction, assist in the selection and management of relationships with agency and technical partners, mentor staff, act as a Board adviser or to anchor digital advisory boards.

You can often find me at WeWork in the Melbourne CBD and at Inspire9 in Richmond if you want to catch up for a coffee.
