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Prajakta Alase
Member for 5 Years
Joined August 2019
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About me

My name is Prajakta Alase. I am 29 years old. I am born and brought up in a small Indian village named Kurundwad in Maharashtra state . I am raised in a village full of nature, organic food from farms, having life with basic necessities. After Bachelors in Engineering, I started working in an IT field. Since childhood, I have always loved travelling and exploring new places. I moved to Germany three years back to work as a Team Lead and Process Consultant with a company named Vattenfall which produces Green Energy in Europe with as less as Co2 emission. Budget friendly travelling on every weekend gradually became part of life. Traveling taught me many lessons. One of the biggest lesson I learnt is to respect environment while exploring the world if you want our next generation to see that beauty as well. So I started following every step I could for sustainable travelling and started looking for more ways to make it better. I am hoping to encourage more people for sustainable travelling and make the world better and livable for next generations. I am creating this platform to spread awareness about sustainable tourism and impact of irresponsible travelling in every corner of the world. The aim of my life is to educate more and more people about sustainability through this platform and create ecological and economical balance in the world. Also On fun note my current short term life goal is to visit "30 Before 30 " , I want to visit 30 Countries before I turn 30 with as less as Co2 emission :-) Lets Make World Better Together!! I submitted my idea of "Eco Footprint Free Travel" in Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition 2019 and my idea got selected in top 10 ideas all over the world.

Why did you join the community?

I am currently working on my project of "Eco Footprint Free Travel". Check details in link:

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What do you want to learn more about?

Sustainable Tourism

Three words that describe why we should travel?

