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Rael Abramowitz
studied to be a tour guide, Antliontours
Member for 5 Years
Joined August 2019
1 event
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About me

I'm a retired property asset manager having looked after a retail portfolio for the largest property company in Africa. I now read a lot, walk, garden, paint and look forward to traveling again with my wife. Our first travel plans for next year are to walk the mountain villages of Italy so a lot more walking now is required.
I love my country dearly but sadly I detest what it has become and hurt when witnessing the poverty on our doorstep as a consequence of poor leadership, poor management of state owned enterprises, state capture and theft by those in power.

Why did you join the community?

We love exploring Europe and have done so throughout our married life. I love the travel as much as I love the research. Locally I enjoy finding hidden gems and hope to share some of these.


