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Renee Villanova
CEO, Global Wonderlust, LLC
Member for 6 Years
Joined January 2018
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6 events
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About me

As a self proclaimed Travel Addict, Renee has found many ways to do what she loves while making a living at it over the years. Working in Hospitality, Commercial Aviation, and Private Aviation and traveling to all 50 US States and over nearly 60 countries, led her to her true passion Group Travel Events. She now operates her own Travel Business creating, planning and managing Group Travel Events of various types and sizes around the globe, with a focus on Responsible Events, Volunteerism and Women's events.

In 2017, Hurricane Maria's impact of Puerto Rico was a driving force in causing Renee to put more focus on Volunteerism. In a time when Government agencies did not know what to do or just simply were not doing it, Individuals and NonGovernment Organizations were. Feelings of helplessness and frustration for an island she had grown to love, pushed Renee to turn her focus in a new direction. She became committed to supporting people and small networks who were making things happen, most of whom she did not even know, YET. After many successfully missions and lives literally saved, Renee knew this was the beginning of more great things to come. These efforts continue as the island continues to recover from Maria, earthquakes and recent economic strife.

In 2019, Renee had the opportunity to co-author American's Leading Ladies Who Positively Impact Our World: Stories of Courage, Challenge and Triumph with a group of phenomenal women all over North America. Stories about 50 diverse women changing the world with hard work and dedication. The book project unexpectedly launched her into a new role of public speaking. Sharing her knowledge and experiences while inspiring her audience to step up and positively impact even their small corners of the world has become new and exciting adventure.

She is always looking for new places to go, new faces to meet, new experiences and new ways to make a difference.

Why did you join the community?

I would like to grow my network and connect with more people involved in the industry

What is your favorite travel destination?

Too many favorites, LOVE so many places for different reasons

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Everywhere I have never been, and returning to many I have.

What was your first travel job?

Commercial Flight Attendant

What do you want to learn more about?

Foreign Language and International Cuisines

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Experiences, Growth, Compassion
