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Robert Fi
PR and press relations advisor, free lance travel reporter and photographer, radio-reporter, podcaster moderator and tour guide, ecomedia. das journalistenbuero
Member for 9 Years
Joined March 2016
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About me

PR-Berater (vor allem für NGO und KMU), davon strikt getrennt: Journalist, Fotograf und (Radio-) Reporter, Moderator, Workshop-Trainer und Reiseleiter, unterwegs in Sachen nachhaltiges Wirtschaften, umwelt- und sozialverträgliches Reisen, Europäische Kulturhauptstädte

Why did you join the community?

meeting great inspiring people in our business. There are so many of them

What is your favorite travel destination?

cities in Europe

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Argentina, Cuba and some other countries

What was your first travel job?

Travel Reporting

What do you want to learn more about?

people, life, languages and a more sustainable lifestyle

Three words that describe why we should travel?

discover, learn, open up your hearts and minds

