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Robin Meyborg
Founder/Managing Partner, Robin and the Tourguides
Member for 6 Years
Joined February 2019
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3 events
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About me

In 2010 I started to travel a lot around Europe and decided soon that I would like to become professional in tourism economies. Therefore, I achieved an apprenticeship degree in tourism and economies for which I worked at one of the top online travel agencies and tour operators on the German market.

Because I love to welcome people in my hometown, I built-up a free tours-project in Hamburg over 5 years which became fast a serious operator and agency for public city tours for individual travellers as well as for private tours and activities for private events (for example for companies or families). Did an exit in 2019 for exploring the world and developing myself on new fields. Let's see where I end up now :-) .

Over the years, I always worked in private projects, doing podcasts, creating blog articles and organizing international events.

Why did you join the community?

Exchanging with tourism professionals from all other the world to learn more about our industry and its international markets. And maybe there are nice projects to join :-)

What is your favorite travel destination?

The ones who surprised me the most (Russia, China ...)

What was your first travel job?

Podcasting about Geocaching trips around Europe

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Knowledge. Health. Peace.

