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Sara Purdy
Owner & Travel Advisor, Purdy's Journeys
Member for 8 Years
Joined December 2016
Verified member
Belmar, NJ
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About me

Sara Purdy, owner of Purdy’s Journeys LLC, has over 8 years of experience working in the travel industry. She began her career as a Travel Consultant, and advanced to becoming the Team Leader of a retail travel store managing a team of travel agents. She then progressed to working for highly regarded travel suppliers as a Business Development Manager. Sara has both hosted and attended numerous travel seminars and trainings to become knowledgeable in all areas of the world.

When it comes to taking care of her clients’ travels, Sara provides first-class service and attention to every detail. She looks forward to building meaningful relationships with her clients and getting to know their exact preferences so that she can personalize their travel experience.

Sara has traveled the world to provide you with first-hand knowledge of destinations. Her favorite travels include: Costa Rica, Tahiti, New Zealand, Uganda, Rwanda, The Arctic, Iceland, Mexico, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, Aruba, Hawaii, Italy, Spain, Greece, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Norway, and Canada.

Sara looks forward to connecting and becoming an important part of your journeys around the globe!
