Hello I am a Girl with a Passport!
Everyone dreams about travelling the world. It has been my passion for years!! That’s why there is A Girl with a Lipstick and Passport, a blog about travelling . I use my experience and addiction to travelling and photographing, to write articles and post about destinations, traveling on a budget, food hot spots and more. Not only to inspire other people to travel, but especially to share experiences and knowledge about amazing things and places.
I would like to learn as much as I can about blogging, travel, and social media.
Paris, London Europe all together
Paris and London. I did it and I am booked to go again in Sept
I opened my own female travel group. Booked a trip for every month. I was new to travel and my travel group took off so well that I got overwhelmed. I was booking travel in my sleep.
I would like to learn social media marketing and influencing. Also take my blog to the next level.
learn, experience, teach