Shyam Pokharel
CEO, SASANE Sisterhood Trekking and Travel Company
Member for 4 Years
Joined May 2020
1 event
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About me

SASANE Sisterhood Trekking and Travel is a socially responsible tourism initiative that trains local survivors of human trafficking as trekking guides.

Why did you join the community?

To know better each other in sector of women travel

What is your favorite travel destination?

SASANE Sisterhood Trekking and Travel is a socially responsible and sustainable tourism initiative that leads tours through rural villages which are known hubs of trafficking.

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Travelers who participate in the treks experience lesser-traveled areas of Nepal while being immersed in the traditional culture and customs of the rural Nepal villages as well as contributing to the sustainable development of those villages .

What was your first travel job?


What do you want to learn more about?

Digital marketing and making more partners and implement sustainable and responsible strategy.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Contributing to the sustainable development for vulnerable people.