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Susanna Cloete-Jones
Brand and Communications Manager
Member for 7 Years
Joined February 2018
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6 events
St Helens
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About me

I was born in the Kalahari desert and my family lived so remotely that I learnt to fly before I could ride a bicycle.

Happily, my life has continued along peculiar and extraordinary tracks.

I started an award winning sign writing business in my teens and financed my university studies before managing a luxury camp in the middle of the Okavango Delta. Leaving Africa to travel around the world I found myself employed to write guides to Australasia and Africa... and never stopped writing.

At the end of my twenties I ran away with a Nuclear Weapons Engineer (because that is what hippies do) and had three children in two years, 10 months and three weeks—not that I was counting. Those babies, born in the wilds of Zambia, transitioned seamlessly to school in England and will be fit for human consumption any minute. They frown upon the fact that their interfering parents followed them around the world instead of acting like sensible adults and packed them off to boarding school. They frequently desert us to fly back to the dark continent by themselves.

For the last 15 years I have been chronically ill. Ironically it has made me a more productive worker as I hardly ever leave my office!

My husband is retired and everyone prefers his cooking to mine, allowing me to travel independently and work on any project that truly interests me.

Why did you join the community?

I would love to get to know more travel industry professionals.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

Walking the Silk Road

What was your first travel job?

Flying my Dad's little Airplane

What do you want to learn more about?

The best way to open people up to experiencing other cultures.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Challenge, Learning, Self-discovery
