Innovator, change agent, educator and lover of all things travel & discovery, food & wine and the outdoors.
I’ve built a career enabling global companies to pivot, transform and capitalise on rapid growth opportunities. With over 25 years experience in travel and tourism, across the Asia-Pacific, North America and Europe including leadership in touring, cruising, transport, food and beverage and hospitality. I offer a proven track record in establishing strategically aligned brands, cultures and operating models that exceed revenue and EBITDA targets, year on year.
From as early stage of my career with Contiki to my last role with TFE Hotels I've been drawn to challenging, complex roles that require a progressive and change-oriented leadership style to forge paths forward into new territories and markets. I have played a leading role in propelling the Travel and Tourism Sector into its current stage of dynamic modernisation, most notably through my success in launching and embedding experiential travel as a globally relevant offer.
Highly skilled at leading both the visualisation and operationalisation of new business ideas, I have successfully launched and embedded experiential travel in global markets. Core to this success is two key strengths: the ability to define and execute highly effective strategic plans and programs of significant transformation and the passion I have for developing fiercely engaged and fulfilled front-line and leadership teams that are fully focused on delivering exceptional customer experiences.
For me, successful people and business transformation rests on what I call the FIVE Rs! (R)eset by (R)efocusing strategy, (R)eengineering business, (R)ealigning internally and (R)ethinking communication. So much so, I've founded The BHive - a business that helps people and businesses to reset for the future through our speciality in innovation, change management and education.
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Corsica, Sicily and Iceland
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Experiences - Happiness - Wellbeing