Tisha Spencer
Original Platinum Travels Co.
Member for 3 Years
Joined July 2021
Live Oak, Texas
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About me

I am a veteran in the Travel Industry who focused on Cruises and All-Inclusive travel. I am looking to move into Luxury. I am also an Army Veteran, an Epicurean, love movies and laughing. I enjoy trying new things, cooking meals, visiting different places, and going to farmers' markets!

I am here to network with Agents and travel companies and learn from others! I would love to be able to travel with other agents, learning and having fun!

Why did you join the community?

To connect with other local agents

What is your favorite travel destination?

Right Now Mexico

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Singapore, Japan and China

What was your first travel job?

Being a Homebased Agent in 2002

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Experience, Pleasure, relaxation