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Tomeka Allgood
Founder and Managing Editor, Short Weeks - Long Weekends
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Member for 7 Years
Joined November 2017
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About me

Tomeka Allgood is a freelance travel writer and travel blogger based in Nashville, Tennessee. She is the founder and managing editor of Short Weeks – Long Weekends ( a travel blog dedicated to the weekender. She writes on a broad range of topics that includes but is not limited to: art, history, culture, travel, music, food and wine. Her top target demographic are women in their 30s to late-40s, families with children and couples with no children. Tomeka focuses on food and wine, girls weekend getaways, family travel, luxury resorts and spas. She specializes in places and attractions that relate to African American heritage and history.

Tomeka has recently been added as a contributor to and Dave's Travel Corner. In addition, she has also had articles and published with, and

Why did you join the community?

To network and meet other travel journalists and bloggers. I have had several Travel Massive members recommend this community to me.

What is your favorite travel destination?

The Caribbean

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Europe, Africa and Asia

What was your first travel job?

Freelance Travel Writer

What do you want to learn more about?


Three words that describe why we should travel?

See the world


  • I'm playing catch-up but plan on attending future meet-ups! Thank you Lee for leading this group :)