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Rafael Ruiz
Founder/Content Creator, Marketing Manager, Travel & Lifestyle
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Member for 9 Years
Joined January 2016
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About me

As founding editor of Travel & Lifestyle, with more than 10 years of experience working in hotels and tourism industry. Raf knows what it takes to create, entertain, and market a memorable destination experience. Combining the insatiable thirst for culture and travel with his team of content creators.

Basically, a guy that likes to share his travel and lifestyle experiences, fashion lover, and foodie follower.


Why did you join the community?

To meet and network with like-minded travel community to learn and grow within the industry circles. Have fun meeting people and working toward a goal.

What is your favorite travel destination?

London, New York

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Morocco, Turkey, Norway, Sweden

What was your first travel job?

Working in 5 star hotels as a Marketing & PR Executive for a five property in London, The Cavendish London.

What do you want to learn more about?

How to network better, be a better storyteller and grow as person (not just in numbers)

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Eat, Drink, Explore