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Thuy Mai
Founder, Travels by TM
Member for 7 Years
Joined February 2018
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18 events
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About me

Hi guys,

I've been traveling on and off as a solo traveler for the past 2 years and since then, life has never been the same. I want to share all the learnings and experiences I've gained by contributing to world transformation through travels.

I'm proud to announce that our very first immersive solo group trip will be this May 2019 in Peru.

Travels By TM was created to provide a gateway for people who are drawn to deeper levels of exploration through solo traveling. We want to satisfy the hunger of the wanderers, the new experience and culture seekers. We want to be that open window that will allow the curious to discover the world in which they live in, one breathtaking place at a time.

We not only encourage people to explore the world in which they live in but we want to empower them to go the extra mile and explore themselves so that they can in turn, live a confident and courageous life.

For the aspiring solo travelers, we aim to effectively transform YOU into a capable solo traveler so you can use the skills and experiences to explore your way around the world for years to come.

We will enrich you with a head full of new ideas and different perceptions which will, in turn, help you become unstuck.

Join us.

To your discoveries,

Thuy M

Why did you join the community?

Connect with other travel entrepreneurs, adventure seekers and people that has a passion for understanding and bettering our world.

What is your favorite travel destination?

South America

Where do you dream of traveling to?


What do you want to learn more about?

Living abroad and travelling

Three words that describe why we should travel?

expand your perception

