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Tammie Day
Founder, Vibrant Women Travel
Member for 4 Years
Joined September 2020
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About me

Hi! I am a Australian-based Social Worker, Yoga, Mindfulness and Nia dance teacher, Retreat Facilitator, Trainer and Travel Guide.

I am the founder of Vibrant Women Travel. A job that enables me to pursue everything that makes my heart sing, (this is code for getting free holidays and making new friends).

Addicted to travel, ice-cream and coffee. Lover of massages, sleeping in, sunsets, sarongs, sweet musings, star gazing, day dreaming, aromatherapy, nature and belly laughs.
I believe in giving back and meaningful interactions.

I am committed to supporting women to stay Vibrant in a world that can sometimes feel as though it is dulling your sparkle.

I spend my days planning the next great escape we can take together.

I can’t wait to adventure with you ….. xx
Warm Regards, Tammie

Why did you join the community?

To connect with other people in the tourism industry
