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Vikash Autar
Creative Director / Executive Producer, Anydoko
🔥 Top 22%
Member for 8 Years
Joined September 2016
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About me

I am a film director specialising in travel content and commercials. I love travel and showcasing amazing destinations to potential travellers. I do this by creating cinematic travel films and informative entertaining travel series which I write and direct. There is something really amazing about exploring the world and capturing its beauty and I’ve been lucky to work with brands that share my passion and vision. I’ve been able to create award winning work for brands like Malaysia Airlines, Fiji Airways, Tourism Australia, Tourism Malaysia and Accor to name a few. My series for Malaysia Airlines and Tourism Australia have received over 2 million views.

I am founder and Creative Director / Executive Producer of travel video channel ANYDOKO and I am on the roster of production company Radical Orange based in Sydney, Australia. At ANYDOKO I create several original video series and I determine and oversee the creative direction of all content that is created for the channel.

I always lift my work to the ‘next’ level. Using new techniques and designs to create something that is unique, on brand and truly original. I am a perfectionist and always produce work that is always technically awesome.

I’d love to work with you so please get in touch if you want to chat about a new project or any collaborations.

Why did you join the community?

I live and breathe travel every day. I am the founder and creative director of travel video channel plus I create travel commercials

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

North Korea

What was your first travel job?

Directing a travel series featuring Poh from MasterChef

What do you want to learn more about?

Travel Marketing

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Life is short
