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Wai Hoong Cheng
Member for 7 Years
Joined July 2016
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2 events
Kuala Lumpur
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About me

Born and bred in Malaysia, it’s not uncommon for us to adapt and adopt to different cultures and traditions. This is a part and parcel of life for Wai Hoong. Unlike the majority of us who discovered our passion in traveling at a later stage in life, Wai Hoong’s life journey starts at a very young age. Inspired by his family and friends who are also residence of the world, he embarks on a list long of countries on the map:Singapore, Thailand, China, Japan and Canada are just a few places to list. And his list just doesn't stop there! Even his days as a student takes him from his homeland to Taiwan and Hong Kong, meeting like-minded and awsome people from all around the world. Can’t you see it already? Traveling is not an option for him. It’s a way of life and it runs deep in his veins. Meet Wai Hoong who’s not only a traveler, but an avid advocate who empowers adventure seekers to take charge of their life- starting now!

Why did you join the community?

I can't miss the opportunity to join the first tourism-related start up community in Malaysia!

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Founder of MyTravel

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Explore, Experience, Learn!
