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Wasim Muklashy
Photographer/Writer (, Virtual Reality Video Producer (, Photography by Wasim / Superswell VR
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Member for 8 Years
Joined May 2016
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About me

Wasim is a nature, travel, humanitarian & conservation photographer, and co-founder of Superswell VR, a virtual reality company for the outdoor & travel industries. Clients have included Samsung, National Park Service, California State Parks, Airbnb, Tahiti Tourisme, Outdoor Project, Miles Partnership Travel Marketing, City of Wichita, Kentucky State Parks and the World Forestry Center.

Wasim got his start producing and editing visual assets for clients including Mattel, GM, GAP, CNN & Reuters while publishing a print publication and working as an editor & writer for others.

He now resides in the Pacific Northwest and serves on the board of Ecology in Classrooms & Outdoors, a non profit that inspires students to care for nature through hands-on science education.

Wasim spends whatever time he has left exploring and documenting the endless curiosities and wonders of Mother Earth.

Why did you join the community?

Networking with travel and travel imaging enthusiasts

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Patagonia, New Zealand, & Japan

Three words that describe why we should travel?

humility. education. growth.

