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Yolanda Brown
Senior Director, Sales, UnCruise Adventures
Member for 5 Years
Joined December 2019
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About me

Senior Director of Sales for UnCruise Adventures since 2009. Originally from Anchorage Alaska where I grew up, I have been in the travel and tourism industry for over 20 years. Moved to Seattle in 2009 with my family to start a new adventure. UnCruise was then a small, three yacht company called American Safari Cruises. I helped develop the brand and growth of the expanded company, UnCruise Adventures which now operates a fleet of nine vessels operating in seven destinations that focus on small ship group adventure itineraries connecting people and place. A lover of the outdoors, culture and meeting new people, I value spending time with my family and enjoy great food! My main focus is on family, group and charter travel markets, along with educating the importance of eco-tourism and sustainability.
I manage our wholesale partners in Japan, China, New Zealand and Australia markets.

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