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Yoon Khen Chin
Founder, Loka Travel Sdn Bhd
🔥 Top 15%
Member for 8 Years
Joined July 2016
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4 events
Kuala Lumpur
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About me

Taking a different path than what is intended for him after graduation, Yoon Khen founded CANUX in 2011 and embarks on his journey as a a documentary photographer and website developer, diversifying his experience in multiple arena and eventually leaving the cubicle nation as a fancy Project Program Management Advisor in Dell and Chief Operating Officer in Mystartr. Through this exploration, he discovers a passion for travel while deepening his love for photography, as he walks along the shaded five-foot ways and narrow alleys alone, documenting the manufacturing process for more than 60 traditional trades of Penang, with focus on traditional trades that are associated with diversified local communities. Khen got his big break in February 2015, when Think City funded his first book publication, called the "Traditional Trades of Penang." When he's not busy leading Lokalocal, he can be seen at various events, engaging in TEDx Petaling Street 2014 speaker, being a columnist and sometimes, radio guest.

Why did you join the community?

I love travel.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?


Three words that describe why we should travel?

authentic local experience
