Coffee Break - How can Travel Startups Leverage PR

San Francisco
Friday, Aug 2, 2019
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20 attended 2

About this event

All startups want to get news coverage, but how do you go about getting it?

We're going to be joined by Victoria Vorhees, Founder of Voorhees Segal Communications, for a session on PR for Travel Startups. Victoria will be taking us through the basics around PR for startups and also showcasing how companies have targeted the travel industry with PR.

About Victoria Voorhees
A seasoned brand communicator and a get-it-done pro, Victoria has a depth of experience in the consumer and lifestyle PR. Her professional journey led her to agencies in LA, NYC, Boston and San Francisco guiding communications and social campaigns for top lifestyle and travel brands such as Fitbit, Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau, Hotel Ketchum / Sun Valley Visitors Bureau, Whole Foods Market and Sierra Nevada. As a long-time agency flack, Victoria specializes in getting impossible things done in a pinch, on time and on budget while keeping it fun. In addition to her client work, she has served as guest speaker on PR topics across the US.

👏 Organized by Edward Hu and Jay Cooke
📍 Event location: Werqwise
🗺 149 New Montgomery Street, 4th Floor