This is a once in a iso-lifetime event that you won't want to miss. Jean is taking to the Travel Massive virtual lounge for a wine and in-depth chat with the infamous podcast creator Amanda Kendle.
Over a few delicious beverages we will be covering topics such as:
- The Pros & Cons of starting a podcast
- Tapping into your community
- Crafting a new community of podcast fans
- Nurturing a community on Facebook and Patreon
We'll be aiming to chat for around 40mins, with extra time allowed for questions along the way.
Amanda Kendle is the brains and beautiful voice behind The Thoughtful Travel podcast, with over 188 episodes and a bustling Facebook community. Each episode is packed with travel stories from fellow travel addicts on topics like using foreign languages, meeting the locals, getting lost and what we learn from our travels.
👉 Register for the event to receive details for the live stream and the recording afterwards.